.SamuelWolfo art.
(c) SamuelWolfo
.Terms of service for arts.
General rules & info for ARTS
1. You need to be at least 13 yo to commission me for SFW art.
2. For NSFW arts you have to be 16+ yo to commission me.Payment
1. Im taking payment via Paypal (international & Poland customers) and bank tranfer (only Poland customers).
2. My prices are in USD.
3. Im taking payment upfront or sometimes after the sketch approval. It depends on complexity of commission.
4. Im starting work after receiving full payment.Ordering process
1. Im able to work with digital and traditional references!
Workig with description reference is also okay but I can ask for additional payment.
2. I draw any type of animals. Just remember to leave additional information in case of unique race.
3. Please keep in mind that I dont draw humans!
4. Im sendig wips on stages: sketch, lineart, colors and shading. If you want more - just ask!Working & waiting time
Note: Please keep in mind that I have MS (multiple sclerosis) and sometimes Im not able to work. Paresis hand or problems with eyes are most common for me. They could take from few day to month of to full recovery. Also I struggle with few psychic problems which can causes absence from telegram! All info and updated about my health will be posted on my telegram channel!1. Art takes time! Im trying to finish my works up to 2-3 months (big pieces, small can take 2-3 weeks). If something comes up - I will let you know via message or on my telegram channel!2. You can ask for big edits/changes on sketch stage. After lineart/shadings Im not able to do that.
Only exception is when thats my fault!3. You can always ask for update, don't be scared! But please don't do it every day.Refunds
1. Im only accept refund in two situations - when I passed the given deadline or give up on your commission (too hard, too complex etc.).
If you will do refund via paypal without my permission and before deadline - I'm adding your nick to beware list and ban/block you from my channel and social media.
.Terms of service for fursuits.
General rules & info for FURSUITS
1. You need to be at least 16 yo to commission me for fursuit.Payment
1. Im taking payment via Paypal (international & Poland customers) and bank tranfer (only Poland customers).
2. My prices are in USD.
3. Im taking payment upfront. Most of the payment goes for furs, materials etc.
4. Im starting work after receiving full payment and materials!Ordering process
1. Im able to work with digital and traditional references!
Workig with description reference is also okay but I can ask for additional payment.
2. I'm mostly familliar with canines and felines but Im open for all races! I can also work with bases from other creators or even your own base.
3. Custom base (from other creator) can increase base price of fursuit.
4. Im sending wips as much as I can.
If you want more - just ask!Working & waiting time
Note: Please keep in mind that I have MS (multiple sclerosis) and sometimes Im not able to work. Paresis hand or problems with eyes are most common for me. They could take from few day to month of to full recovery. Also I struggle with few psychic problems which can causes absence from telegram! All info and updated about my health will be posted on my telegram channel!1. Art takes time! Im trying to finish my works up to 2-3 months (big pieces, small can take 2-3 weeks). If something comes up - I will let you know via message or on my telegram channel!2. You can ask for small edits/changes almost all time but keep in mind that (for example) I wont change base after adding fur.
Only exception is when thats my fault!3. You can always ask for update, don't be scared! But please don't do it every day. Fursuits are only half-time job! The other time Im spending on drawing.*Refunds & repair
1. After ordering fur I don't take refunds.
2. If something will broke or rip up - just text me and I will fix it!
3. I am not responsible for improper use of the fursuit. Same goes with inappropriate washing it.
4. If you will do refund via paypal without my permission and before deadline - I'm adding your nick to beware list and ban/block you from my channel and social media.
And if you will do it after sending fursuit - you will be reported to police.If you send me payment I will consider you aware and agreeing to these Terms of Service.
.Prices 2024.
Sketch/colored sketch - 7$
Flat color - 10$
Simple shadings - 15$
Fullshaded - 20$Another character is 50% of the price
Background is for free
Sketch - 10$
Flat color - 15$
Fullshaded - 25$Another character is 50% of the price
Background is for free
Sketch/colored sketch - 15$
Flat color - 25$
Fullshaded - 35$Another character is 50% of the price
Background is for free
.Character sheet.
Mini ref - 20$
One view of character, basic information, small accesories (like jewellery, tattoos, paws etc.)
Medium ref - 30$
Front view, back view and one view from side. I can add option of version with mane and without
Basic info about character
Big ref - 40$ +
Front view, back view, view from two sides and additional views from other sides of character.
Lots of info about character, one - two outfit.
Price depends on character, your idea, type of art (flatcolor, shadings) and how long it should be.Range: 15-40$
.Telegram stickers.
SFW - 3$
NSFW - 4$There is no additional price for second character on one sticker
Prices are same as SFW
Prices are same as SFW
Prices are same as SFW
Prices starts at 45$
.Mini partial.
Prices starts at 350$